
  • Gilberto José Miranda Professor at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova Professor at the University of São Paulo
  • Edgard Bruno Cornacchione Junior Full Professor at the University of São Paulo.



Teaching. Accounting. Teaching qualifications. Delphi technique.


The assessment of teaching qualifications has been a recurring theme in the literature without controversies. This study aims to discover and analyze how a group of accounting experts perceive the dimensions of the teaching qualifications that are considered essential in contemporary higher accounting education by means of the Delphi technique. Therefore, a commission of 21 Brazilian and international experts was constituted, with a heterogeneous educational background, representative of the teaching qualifications that were to be analyzed. Three rounds were needed to reach a consensus. The results indicated that the academic qualification included factors related to degree, research and publication; professional qualification involved factors related to professional experience and credentials; and the pedagogical qualification comprises factors related to institutional support, teaching experience and permanent education. In addition, the complete commission valued the academic education most highly, reaching 46.7% of the investigated experts.

Author Biographies

Gilberto José Miranda, Professor at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Ph.D. in Controllership and Accounting (USP)

Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova, Professor at the University of São Paulo

Post-Doctoral degree in Accounting (EAESP-FGV)

Edgard Bruno Cornacchione Junior, Full Professor at the University of São Paulo.

Free Lectureship degree and Ph.D. in Accounting (USP), Ph.D. in Education (University of Illinois).


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How to Cite

Miranda, G. J., Casa Nova, S. P. de C., & Cornacchione Junior, E. B. (2014). AN APPLICATION OF THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE TO THE MAPPING OF ACCOUNTING TEACHING QUALIFICATION DIMENSIONS. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 8(2).




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