Giddens’ Triad in Accounting Research


  • Edson Roberto Macohon Assistant Professor B at Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste – Unicentro
  • Carlos Eduardo Facin Lavarda Professor in PPGCC at Universidade Regional de Blumenau – Furb



Signification, Domination, Legitimation, Duality of Structure, Giddens’ Triad


To understand how the theory of Structuration has been investigated in Accounting, the objective was to analyze Giddens’ Triad in accounting research. Studies in the framework of the theory of Structuration (TS) were triangulated. The structural dimension of signification was conceived from a perceptive perspective, that is, when cognitive schemes are used to interpret the reality. Nevertheless, in the accounting information context, Accounting cannot be considered a monolithic tool to interpret the information. From a constitutive perspective, there are the languages that provide for the social construction of reality. With a view to the systematic integration of social practices, the function of Accounting is to standardize the processes among the different organizational sectors. The legitimation structure based on the window-dressing device considers Accounting as a means to reflect the organization’s expectations. Nevertheless, Accounting needs to play a neutral role to conquer the reliability of the information disclosed. The perspective of the sanction mechanisms takes into account the assessments of the interaction forms. Hence, based on the standardization of rules and routines, Accounting can promote the processes of approval, or not, of organizational conducts. In the conception of the domination structure, the authoritative or allocative resources promote the exercise of power. Thus, Accounting can expand its activity sphere and, consequently, participate directly in organizational power disputes. Finally, the ideological mechanism is discussed that considers Accounting as a mechanism that can facilitate the understanding of the structural contradictions of society. Therefore, the accountants need to be agents of changes in the social transformation processes.

Author Biographies

Edson Roberto Macohon, Assistant Professor B at Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste – Unicentro

M. Sc. in Business Administration from Universidade Regional de Blumenau – Furb

Carlos Eduardo Facin Lavarda, Professor in PPGCC at Universidade Regional de Blumenau – Furb

Ph.D. in Accounting from Universitat de Valencia, Spain


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How to Cite

Macohon, E. R., & Lavarda, C. E. F. (2015). Giddens’ Triad in Accounting Research. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 9(3).