Advantages of the Implementation of IPSAS in Brazilian Public Accounting: Analysis of the perception of the members of GTCON


  • Josedilton Alves Diniz Professor at Universidade Federal da Paraíba and Auditor/TCEPB
  • Suzany Ferreira Silvestre da Silva Accountant at Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Leandro da Costa Santos
  • Vinícius Gomes Martins Mestre em Ciências Contábeis pelo Programa Multiinstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-



Ipsas, GTCON, Public Accounting, Perception


The study objective was to assess how the members of the Technical Group for the Standardization of Accounting Procedures (GTCON) assess the advantages of the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Brazil. Therefore, a questionnaire was used, elaborated based on five theoretical approaches. The research universe corresponded to the participants in GTCON. The sample resulted in 108 respondents, totaling 27% of the population. The reliability of the tool was tested using the model defined by Cronbach (1951). As each theoretical dimension addressed consists of multiple variables, their dimensionality was reduced using Main Components Analysis (MCA). In addition, multiple linear regression was used, based on the main components of each theoretical construct. The perception of the standards, the interpretation of the standards, the cost-benefit of the implementation and the educational responsibility were submitted to analysis as independent variables, and the advantages of the implementation of the Ipsas were submitted as the dependent variable. The main results evidenced that the research participants agreed that the implementation of the Ipsas is a feasible target. As to the cost-benefit analysis of the implementation, according to the GTCON, the result of the application of the Ipsas exceeds the investments made. It was also observed that interviewees did not agree that the training and application of the Ipsas should be guaranteed through personal efforts, but through the government, i.e. the more the public sector takes responsibility for qualifying the standards, the greater the advantages that will result. Finally, regarding the interpretation of the standards, according to GTCON, it has not been well defined yet how and who will actually be responsible for the interpretation, the international entities or the local institutions involved in the process.

Author Biographies

Josedilton Alves Diniz, Professor at Universidade Federal da Paraíba and Auditor/TCEPB

Ph.D. in Controllership and Accounting from USP

Suzany Ferreira Silvestre da Silva, Accountant at Universidade Federal da Paraíba

B.Sc. in Accounting from UFPB

Leandro da Costa Santos

Undergraduate in Accounting at UFPB

Vinícius Gomes Martins, Mestre em Ciências Contábeis pelo Programa Multiinstitucional e Inter-Regional de Pós-

M.Sc. in Accounting from Multi-Institutional and Inter-Regional Graduate Program in Accounting - UnB/UFPB/UFRN Ph.D. candidate in Accounting at UnB/UFPB/UFRN and Professor at Centro Universitário de


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How to Cite

Diniz, J. A., Silvestre da Silva, S. F., Santos, L. da C., & Martins, V. G. (2015). Advantages of the Implementation of IPSAS in Brazilian Public Accounting: Analysis of the perception of the members of GTCON. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 9(3).