Characteristics and International Perspectives of Different Stakeholder Groups in IFRS For SMEs


  • Juçara Haveroth Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Evandro de Nez Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Ângela Bilk Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Roberto Carlos Klann Universidade Regional de Blumenau



Accounting regulation, IFRS, SMEs, Lobbying


Objective: To identify the characteristics and perspectives of different stakeholder groups in the IFRS of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), in addition to two specific objectives: to identify and characterize who sent the comment letters to IASB and to characterize the comments of these letters in the pre-implementation of the standard. Method: Secondary data collection in 57 pre-implementation comment letters forwarded to IASB, aiming for adjustments in the SMEs standard. The following data were processed to achieve the primary objective: name, category, country and region of each comment letter. To achieve the secondary objectives, the answers to the eight inquiries on the Exposure Draft of the standard were classified. Results: The results indicate that all continents participated in the comments, but with a concentration in Europe. Accounting Associations were the main stakeholders in the IFRS of SMEs. Countries with little representativeness participated in the process, while others of global importance stayed out of any comment. Contributions: The study aims to provide evidence of the lobbying activities and perceptions of the financial statement users and analyze issues in the context of the IASB about the SMEs. It is based on information collected through voluntary participation, and can therefore serve as an incentive for the stakeholders to remit their suggestions and improve on this or other IASB standards.


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How to Cite

Haveroth, J., Nez, E. de, Bilk, Ângela, & Klann, R. C. (2017). Characteristics and International Perspectives of Different Stakeholder Groups in IFRS For SMEs. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 11(4).