What has Been Investigated on Corporate Sustainability and its Disclosure?


  • Valcemiro Nossa Fucape Business School (FBS),ES
  • Victor Rangel dos Santos Rodrigues Fucape Business School
  • Silvania Neris Nossa Fucape Business School




Sustainability, Integrated Reporting, Sustainability Indicators


Objective: To present the evolution of the sustainability development and sustainability concept over the years by means of a literature review, as well as the research trends focused on the intersection between accounting and sustainability. Method: The study was developed through a literature review of the Brazilian and international literature on sustainability and its relationships with accounting. The selection of the investigated literature prioritized more recente publications; a mixture between empirical research and literature review; journals with some impact factor and Brazilian journals qualified in Qualis Capes. Results: Studies have advanced particularly in two foci: a) disclosure – many studies aim to verify the quantity and quality of disclosure on sustainability, including suggested models like Integrated Reporting; and b) search for a relation between practices and sustainability indicators with companies’ economic-financial performance. The results have often revealed controversies, which opens room for new and more robust research with more consistent underlying theories. Contributions: Research on the theme sustainability is recent and has gained intensity in the past 20 years, making it importante to develop a study that aims to reflect on how these research findings have evolved, mainly in matters on which no consolidated results exist yet. Hence, this article contributes by structuring the construction of scientific knowledge on sustainability and, thus, highlight gaps that need further research in future studies.

Author Biographies

Valcemiro Nossa, Fucape Business School (FBS),ES

Doutor em Controladoria e Contabilidade pela USP

Victor Rangel dos Santos Rodrigues, Fucape Business School

Estudante de graduação em Ciências Econômicas pela Fucape Business School

Silvania Neris Nossa, Fucape Business School

Doutora em Ciências Contábeis e Administração pela Fucape Business School


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How to Cite

Nossa, V., Rodrigues, V. R. dos S., & Nossa, S. N. (2017). What has Been Investigated on Corporate Sustainability and its Disclosure?. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 11. https://doi.org/10.17524/repec.v11i0.1719

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