
  • Alini da Silva
  • Juçara Haveroth Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Paulo Roberto da Cunha



Internal audit, Subordination, Leadership style, Decision making, Recommendations Report


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of leadership style and reporting on the internal auditor's judgment and decision-making. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive, quasi-experimental and quantitative. The experimental case was based on the decision of the internal auditor to demonstrate the level of reporting of a report of recommendations, two styles of leadership of the financial director were presented to the participants, these being the autocratic and the democratic style, as well as different opinions of the chief financial officer on irregularities, to characterize the subordination. RESULTS: The results showed that auditors tend to report to a lesser degree when the superior is an autocratic leader and questions or rejects the report. In addition, the time differences for auditors to make the reporting decision was determined by the leadership style, mainly autocratic for longer decision-making time. CONTRIBUTIONS: Discussions about the effect of the internal auditor's leadership and subordination in their judgment are contributions, as the financial statements reflect the quality of the internal audit. In this way, users can be alerted that the exposure of risks to irregularities may be close to the company and, at times, may even come from the organization itself.


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How to Cite

da Silva, A., Haveroth, J., & Roberto da Cunha , P. . (2022). INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP STYLE AND SUBORDINATION ON THE JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING OF THE INTERNAL AUDITOR. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 16(1).


