Generations Y and Z in Stricto Sensu in Accounting and their Work Values





Valores Relativos ao Trabalho, Gerações Y e Z, Stricto Sensu, Contabilidade


Objective: The study aims to verify the differences in values ​​related to the work of stricto sensu students in accounting for generations Y and Z considering the sociodemographic characteristics.

Method: 337 students participated in the research, who in 2019 were enrolled in stricto sensu postgraduate courses in the Accounting area. The study uses the Revised Scale of Values ​​Related to Work, Exploratory Factor Analysis, non-parametric tests and paired comparison.

Results: Female students attributed greater importance to values ​​related to job stability and financial independence, when compared to male students. Likewise, significant differences were found between the groups that made up the variables “financial responsibility at home”, “teaching experience”, “schooling level of the mother figure” and “financial assistance during graduate studies”.

Contribution: The study enables a better understanding of the priorities of generations Y and Z in the work environment. Understanding these values ​​enables discussions among individuals themselves about their choices, careers, motivations and interests. These aspects are of great importance to promote the individual's satisfaction in the work environment and, consequently, the performance of the institution in which they work.


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How to Cite

SOUSA, R. C. D. S., & COLAUTO, R. D. . (2021). Generations Y and Z in Stricto Sensu in Accounting and their Work Values. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 15(4).