Do self-efficacy and willingness to make career efforts influence future reward expectancy among business students? A multigroup analysis of gender





Self-efficacy, Willingness for career effort, Expectation of future earnings, Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards


Objective: This study investigates the influence of self-efficacy and willingness to make career efforts on

students’ future reward expectancy.

Method – A survey was conducted among students attending undergraduate programs in the business

field. A multigroup analysis using structural equation modeling was performed according to gender.

Results: The results show that self-efficacy and willingness to make career efforts influence future reward

expectancy. The multigroup analysis according to gender showed that the women’s self-efficacy influenced

their expectations of future rewards, though, among men, significant results were found only for intrinsic

rewards. Women’s willingness to make career efforts did not influence their future reward expectancy,

whereas it influenced extrinsic rewards among men.

Contributions: These findings suggest theoretical and practical implications. First, they reveal the

expectations of business students concerning intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and that cognitive aspects

possibly explain future reward expectancy. There are also significant practical implications for companies’

managers, those in the educational field (e.g., alternative teaching strategies), and public policy, which may

be inspired by the multigroup analysis results that reveal contrasting perceptions.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA PEREIRA, B., & MARIA BEUREN, I. (2023). Do self-efficacy and willingness to make career efforts influence future reward expectancy among business students? A multigroup analysis of gender. Journal of Education and Research in Accounting (REPeC), 17(4).