Entrepreneurial Intention and Motivation to Learn Among Accountancy Students
Entrepreneurial behavior;, teaching-learning in Accountancy; , Behavioral Accounting.Abstract
Objective: To analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial intention and motivation to learn among Accountancy students at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil.
Method: Grounded on the Theory of Planned Behavior, considering the theoretical framework addressing entrepreneurial intention proposed by Liñán and Chen (2009) and motivation to learn by Tho (2017). Therefore, this is a quantitative, descriptive survey. Data were obtained using the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (Liñán & Chen, 2009) and the Motivation to Learn Questionnaire (Tho, 2017). A total of 219 students were addressed. Data were tabulated and statistically analyzed.
Results: The results showed that the students’ motivation to learn, behavioral perception, and entrepreneurial intention were moderate, while high ratios were found for personal attitude and subjective norm. Additionally, no significant correlation was found between the constructs of motivation to learn and entrepreneurial intention. In-depth analyses were performed using regression models, which revealed that entrepreneurial intention influences motivation to learn.
Contributions: This study contributes to a greater understanding of the behavioral aspects of Accountancy students, enabling and encouraging the development of behaviors driven to learn and perform entrepreneurial activities.
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